Welcome to the Institute of Project Management and Evaluation (IPME)

Driven by love and passion, teamwork, and ultimate professionalism. Discover our vision, mission, and the impactful work we do

Who we are!

The Institute of Project Management and Evaluation (IPME) is a fast-growing and dedicated organisation whose vision is to become the leading training and service provider in the field of project management, monitoring, and evaluation. As a part of the larger strategic management sciences, the IPME will also be engaging in other related sciences such as policy, planning, applied research, resource mobilisation, entrepreneurship, social innovation, strategic management and leadership, GIS and data science, investment planning and management, organisational development, development managementregional planning, and natural resource management. IPME uses its versatile and competent team to provide high-quality training and services in the above-mentioned areas so as to create short- and long-term impacts on organisations, individuals, and professional bodies intending to utilise project management, evaluation, and strategic management management sciences as tools for achieving their short- and long-term objectives. In carrying out the above tasks and assignments, IPME employs a team of highly qualified and experienced associates and, on a few occasions, collaborates and partners with other organisations and networks with interests and experience in the wider field of project management, evaluation, and strategic management from within and outside Tanzania, Africa, and the globe.

Our Core Values

  • Results Oriented
  • Customer Centered
  • Impact Oriented
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To become a Center of excellence and example in Project Management , Evaluation and its allied sciences in and outside Tanzania


To provide high-quality and Impactful training, consultancy services, and research in the Field of Project Management, Evaluation and allied Sciences

IPME Legal Status


As an Institution and company, IPME is legally and officially registered by both BRELA and NACTVET. In March 2013, IPME received a NACTEVET registration number, REG/NACTVET/0743P. Following this registration, NACTVET has officially allowed IPME to run professional development two-month certificates in eight project management and evaluation areas, such as
  1. Project Management
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation
  3. Land Use Planning and Administration
  4. Occupational Safety and Public Health
  5. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
  6. Strategic Public Leadership and Administration
  7. Strategic Sports Governance and Management
The Institute has also been awarded the right to offer one long-term course, namely
  1. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Our services

Our work spans a spectrum of activities, from in-depth training sessions to groundbreaking research and comprehensive consultancy. Each endeavor is rooted in our commitment to fostering excellence in project management and evaluation, ensuring that our partners and clients benefit from the best practices and innovative solutions we offer

Areas of Focus

IPME services and trainings focus on following strategic categorical Project Management, Evaluation and its allied sciences

Disaster and Emergency Management

  1. Disaster Assessment and Management
  2. GIS for Emergency Management
  3. Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Management
  4. GIS for Conflict Assessment and Management
  5. Safety Preparedness, Planning and Management

Natural Resource Management and Regional Development Planning

  1. GIS and Remote Sensing for Land Use Planning
  2. GIS for Regional Planning and Integration
  3. Integrated Natural Resource Management
  4. Participatory GIS for Land Use Planning and Conflict Management
  5. Environmental Leadership and Governance
  6. Integrated Water Resource Management
  7. Sustainable Urban Planning and Development
  8. Sustainable Rural Development
  9. Agricultural Innovation and Marketing
  10. Monitoring and Evaluation of Urban Development Projects
  11. Environmental Education and Communication
  12. GIS for Local Development Planning and Management
  13. Community Development and Mobilization for Local Politicians and Managers
  14. Rural Development and Extension Services
  15. Local Development Planning and Economic Empowerment

Strategic Management and Leadership

  1. Strategic Planning and Social Innovation
  2. Strategic Project Management and Leadership
  3. Strategic Leadership and People Management
  4. Leading and Managing Complex and Mega Projects
  5. International Project Leadership and Management
  6. Strategic Planning and Results-Based Management
  7. Organization Planning and Management
  8. Lobbying and Advocacy for Policy and Development
  9. Theory of Change, Strategic Planning and Results-Based Management

Business and Entrepreneurship

  1. Social Entrepreneurship
  2. Social Entrepreneurship for Managers and Non-Managers
  3. Entrepreneurship Skills for Project Managers
  4. Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  5. Principles and Theories of Management of Microfinance
  6. Investment Analysis and Management
  7. International Business

Policy, Planning and Development

  1. Policy, Planning and Evaluation
  2. Policy Analysis and Evaluation
  3. Applied Research and Policy
  4. Policy Formulation and Implementation
  5. Economic Policy and Evaluation
  6. Policy Governance and Evaluation
  7. Local Development Planning
  8. Integrated Local Government Planning
  9. Local Government Planning
  10. Lobbying and Advocacy for managers and policymakers

Monitoring, Evaluation and Research

  1. Theory and Practice of Monitoring and Evaluation
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation Practice
  3. Theory of Change and Logical Models
  4. Theory of Change and Logical Framework Approach for Project Design and Evaluation
  5. Policy and Strategy Evaluation
  6. Impact Measurement and Evaluation
  7. Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation
  8. Applied Research and Evaluation
  9. GIS for Monitoring and Evaluation
  10. Qualitative and Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
  11. Applied and Operational Research
  12. Research Methodology and Report Writing
  13. Organizational Planning and decision-making
  14. Project and Investment Appraisal
  15. Monitoring and Evaluation Life Cycle
  16. Feasibility Studies and Cost-Benefit Analysis
  17. Professional Skills, Coaching and Mentorship for Monitoring and Evaluation Managers

GIS, Data Science and Information Management

  1. GIS for Monitoring and Evaluation
  2. GIS for Managing Big Data
  3. Data Analysis Using SPSS and R
  4. Qualitative Data Analysis
  5. GIS for Researchers and M&E Managers
  6. GIS for Map Making and Production
  7. Data Collection, Analysis and Report Writing
  8. Data Science and Machine Learning
  9. GIS for Revenue Forecasting, Planning and Management
  10. GIS for Investment Planning and Management
  11. GIS for Land Use Planning and Conflict Management
  12. GIS for Environmental Management
  13. Project Information Management and Dissemination
  14. Strategic Communication for Development
  15. Information and Knowledge Management
  16. GIS for Disaster and Risk Management
  17. GIS Methods
  18. GIS and Mapping for Natural Resource Management
  19. GIS for Teachers
  20. Remote Sensing for Earth Management
  21. Participatory GIS for Land Use Planning and Conflict Management
  22. GIS for Land Use Planning and Natural Resource Management
  23. GIS and Data Science

Project Appraisal, Impact Assessments and Valuation Techniques

  1. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
  2. Project Risk Assessment and Management
  3. Impact Measurements and Evaluation
  4. Economic and Social Project Appraisal
  5. Feasibility Study and Cost-Benefit Analysis
  6. Participatory Assessment and Evaluation
  7. Strategic Environmental Assessment
  8. Strategic Policy Assessment and Evaluation
  9. GIS for Environmental Impact Assessment
  10. Stakeholder Analysis, Management and Engagements
  11. Needs and Situational Analysis for Project Design
  12. Needs Assessments and Baseline Studies
  13. Impact Assessments and Evaluation

Project Management

  1. Project Cycle Management
  2. Applied and the Practice of Project Management
  3. Fundamentals and Basics of Project Managements
  4. Project Analysis Design, and Implementation
  5. Policy, Planning and Evaluation
  6. Applying Theory of Change and Logical Framework Approach for Project Design and Sustainability
  7. Project Implementation, Supervision and Monitoring
  8. Project Management for Managers and Non-Project Managers
  9. Project Negotiation and Contract Management
  10. Participatory Project Planning and Appreciative Inquiry
  11. Strategic Project Leadership and Management
  12. Project Procurement, Bidding and Contract Management
  13. Resource Mobilization, Fund Raising and Sustainable Project Financing
  14. Project Designing, Fund Raising and Grant Writing
  15. Resource Mobilization Business Development
  16. GIS for Project Management

Our Esteemed Customers

Since its establishment, IPME has been able to provide training and consulting services to the following organizations


Training of its Staffs on M&E and Resource Mobilization


For the past two years


on going


Training of its staff on Strategic Planning and performance-based management, Conducting end-line Evaluation for their SP and Facilitating the formulation of a new Strategic Plan


The Past One Year


on going


Training of its staff on the Science and Practice of Monitoring


The past year


on going


Finalizing a Contractual Agreement to Train TRC Staff in the Field of Project Management and Railway Operation Management.


This year


on going


Training of its staff on M&E


For the past year


on going


Training of its staff on theory and Practice


For the past one year


on going


Training of their staffs on Project write-up, M&E


For the past two years


on going

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